Which situations are simulated
HomeShadows simulates the shadows of everyday human movements, such as going through a room or standing next to somebody else.
In this variant, HomeShadows simulates light sources, like a floor or a table lamp, which are located at the table height or a bit above.
Why the shadows look the way they do
The goal was to simulate direct presence of people. Therefore no televisions in front of which someone would sit or lamps which turn on and off automatically.
Research has shown that typical shadows are very likely no 1:1 depictions of people or animals, but that they consist of random patterns whose appearance is formed through reflection and absorption. It can be assumed that shadow movements on curtains, blinds or walls, regardless of form and size, intuitively convey presence to the viewer and present a high deterrent potential for burglars.
Technical specification
AUTO mode
for optimal lighting
(valid only for AUTO mode)
Recommended for AUTO mode to allow the light sensor to detect the day/night cycles
In ON mode the distances need not be kept.
(W) x (H) x (D)
154 x 60 x 78.7 mm
(W) x (H) x (D)
250 x 80 x 160 mm